Java Cli Toolbox

JDK and Unix environment provides you with very powerful tools available out-of-the box to diagnose problems in-situ. I wrote down some simple, but in my opinion powerful examples I learned and used, when solving problems on jvm based systems deployed in datacenters around the globe.

Ability to use these standard Oracle JDK and Unix tools comes handy not just in solving problems in *restricted environments. It will help you in day-to-day developers work to quickly pin point the problem in application, write post-mortem diagnostic information harvesters for your infrastructure and be independent of frequently heavyweight IDE tooling.

The presentation was originally given as lighting talk on great un-conference about Java and everything jOpenSpace 2013.

I enhanced the original slides with more examples, you can safely try "at home".


  1. Vložil jsem odkaz na ... doufám, že nevadí ;)


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